But clearly, slavery is a part of his world and the world of the the Law and Apostles who DO comment on slavery. Now, we do well to note the slavery of that time is not what we assume since it was very different from American slavery. The American slave trade was built on racist premises. The black man was considered inferior to the white man and so it was his lot, his nature to serve.
Biblical slavery even from Moses time, was mostly
economic. You became a slave if your
people were conquered in war, so as an alternative to killing all the conquered who lost the war,
a person would often become the property of the victor.
This was considered (by both sides) just “booty”, reward for winning a
conflict. But a much more common form of slavery was
indentured servitude which was when you sold yourself into slavery to pay unpayable debts. As an alternative to death or
prison, you could give the only thing you had left – your labor, permanently.
Now, because slavery in Bible times was a tool of economic "justice" mostly, you could buy your way out of it, or a relative could free you. And in Israel, for Jewish slaves, there was this startling develop: God said slave status would
never last for more than 7 years, because in the Sabbath year all slaves were
For this reason we shouldn’t be too aghast that the Bible
doesn’t come forward with stronger condemnations of slavery.
- First, it was not built on the horror of racist ideology.
- Second it wasn’t a life sentence, as it was for every black in America, who no matter what they gave to their masters, could never be free (laws were instituted that if a slave escaped to the North, they had to be returned, and if a Northern black came to the south, his free status was not honored).
- Third, slavery was checked by putting an upper limit on the value of slave labor – instead of saying a debtor must sell himself in perpetuity, the Sabbath and Jubilee years said, no debt is worth a lifetime of servitude. Essentially then, human value got elevated in the Law since a person was too valuable to keep in slave status forever. No debt was worth that much.
Then, Jesus shows up and he doesn’t teach anything about it specifically, but
he declares that his kingdom is for the poor and oppressed to set them
free. This was first understood in a
spiritual sense, and slaves flocked to the early church. There they were taught that while they were
someone else’s slave, in Christ they were free. Their future was the kingdom of heaven.
They were blessed, not cursed. So they were
told to obey their master’s because they worked for God, not men, and the God who
loved them would reward them. If they
could get their freedom, they should, of course, but don’t be too anxious if they can’t,
God was on their side (1 Cor 7).
Masters also were in the church and they were told to love their slaves, not treat them harshly but fairly and like brothers. And to remember that they were Christ's slave. In fact, in one case, a Master (Philemon) is told to forgive and we may presume also free a runaway slave (Onesimus) because this slave is a brother. This is incredible! How could Masters and Slaves be brothers in the same churches? This teaching forecast that the institution of slavery could not long endure, with such radical ideas like the Gospel at the center of the New Community.
You could say the apostles should have been more direct in
their condemnation of slavery. But I
would say their approach was much shrewder, and therefore more effective. They attacked the values upon which slavery
was based. So without imposing a ban on
slavery from a position of ecclesiastical authority, a ban which may have
hopelessly divided a very young church and derailed her from her primary
mission in the world, Paul undermines the whole institution with his words,
“there is no longer slave nor free, for you are all one in Christ... Masters,
serve your slaves as brothers, ETC.” (Gal. 3:28; Eph. 6:7-9, Philemon)
So in fact, slavery did die out first in the Church and then
in all of Europe as the Church expanded.
Nowhere else on planet earth did this happen. Not in China, not in the Middle East under Islam,
not in Africa (where blacks enslaved blacks for millennia). During the so called Dark Ages, slavery became
almost unheard of in Europe, except of course, for the millions of slaves the Muslim hordes carried off to Arabia. In fact, we get our word, "slave" from those millions, mostly Slavs - taken from Slovakia and other places in Eastern Europe.
Not until the other races of Africa and America were
discovered, does slavery rise up again in Christendom.
But it was voices in the Church that railed against it. You hear about Christian military men and
governors and explorers who were avid slave traders. But most of these were as Christian
as your very nominal Christian neighbor is today. EVERYONE
in Europe was baptized Christian, but only a percentage were truly devout. Meanwhile, the really devoted Christians, the
Dominican monks, the Jesuits, and the papacy through repeated edicts railed against Slavery. It advanced in spite of real
Christians not because of them.
So the economy of Europe quickly became dependent on the
slave trade and all sorts of Christian justifications ensued. But these reasons were ridiculous. For example, using the prophesy against Ham
in Genesis. Or the New Testament rules
for slaves. The hypocrisy and deliberate blindness of these lines
of reasoning were self-evident, for any who took Scripture sincerely. If it truly was the Bible, clearly understood and applied, that gave backing and justification for American slavery, why were the Scriptural rules allowing for the freeing of slaves, never invoked for the black man?
There is only one REAL reason, which has been repeatedly exposed in the laws and writings of the time: It wasn't the Bible, it was the evil of racist ideology. Black men were assumed inferior. Whites of the time (even some emancipation fighters from the North) had a hard time believing the African was in any way his equal. This particularly odious idea could have never come from a Bible which declares repeatedly that humans are all genetically linked to exact same first parents, establishing our fraternity and equality forever.
There is only one REAL reason, which has been repeatedly exposed in the laws and writings of the time: It wasn't the Bible, it was the evil of racist ideology. Black men were assumed inferior. Whites of the time (even some emancipation fighters from the North) had a hard time believing the African was in any way his equal. This particularly odious idea could have never come from a Bible which declares repeatedly that humans are all genetically linked to exact same first parents, establishing our fraternity and equality forever.
So finally, it was the church again, by Papal Bull in the South Americas, and under names of devout
Christians like Wilberforce and Lincoln in the North, who understood the full force of God’s
Word regarding human dignity and value and equality, who lead the way to abolish the slave
trade and eventually emancipate all slaves.
Every historian acknowledges the debt the world owes to the Evangelical
church in England and the Northern states for leading the way for
Read again Lincoln’s second inaugural address and see all the Bible verses he quotes and alludes to, and ask if he thought that Jesus (or Scripture overall) condoned slavery. Not a chance!
Read again Lincoln’s second inaugural address and see all the Bible verses he quotes and alludes to, and ask if he thought that Jesus (or Scripture overall) condoned slavery. Not a chance!
FOLLOW UP: "Rick, I keep getting challenged about why God would condone people getting beat or killed. One example is Luke 12:47-48. Does this condone beating a slave? Also Deut. 22:13-22.....stoning a,woman."
ReplyDeleteIn the Luke 12 passage Jesus is talking about eternity. It’s not about condoning beating slaves. Though slaves in his day were beaten, as a matter of course. So this passage is teaching nothing about slavery at all. In fact, it affirms that there will be punishment in the afterlife for those who do not accept the Truth, but Jesus here seems to indicate that hell will not be experienced uniformly by everyone who rejects the Master’s will. Your response to truth will determine your experience of hell. Ironically this passage is sort of a softening of our understanding of hell, not a prescription for how to treat slaves.
In Deut. 22, stoning was the chosen method of execution for capital crimes in ancient Israel, male or female. So really you have to determine if your atheist friend’s issue is capital punishment or THIS VERSION of capital punishment. A lot of people today (Christian and non-Christian) still think capital punishment serves society as a just punishment and an excellent deterrent to violent crime. There are other reasons some Christians think the death penalty should be suspended, but this debate about capital punishment shows there is nothing inherently Christian about capital punishment. Jesus suspended the prescribed capital punishment in one known instance.
The real issues then is whether certain crimes deserved capital punishment (and no Christian is bound by Mosaic law on this score) or whether this KIND of capital punishment that God sanctioned was humane or inhumane. Here, the context helps. Stoning was about as humane a way to kill a criminal as they could find in the ancient world. They didn’t have lethal injection, obviously! First, the criminal was usually taken to an execution hill. In the gospels, remember when Jesus was taken to a hill to be thrown off? That was probably what was in mind, to execute him by stoning – the first part of stoning execution was not stoning at all. It was falling, ironically. The point was to knock the criminal unconscious from the fall. Then they were stoned beginning with the accuser, and so most victims of stoning died after the first blow to the head after being incapacitated and unconscious.