QUESTION: There are many verses that indicate there is
no free will, however I was raised to believe in free will. Now I am at a loss
to explain why I believe. The doctrine of predestination seems so contrary to
free will.
RESPONSE: First of all, I don’t think it would be fair to characterize the doctrine of predestination as contrary to free will – not even for those who hold to Reformed Theology. Even for very strict Calvinists, the idea that God predestines some to heaven and others to hell is not mutually exclusive of the idea that people choose to go to heaven or to hell freely. They would hold that somehow, people are choosing exactly what they really want, while at the same time, God has predestined and chosen that fate for them from before the creation of the world.
RESPONSE: First of all, I don’t think it would be fair to characterize the doctrine of predestination as contrary to free will – not even for those who hold to Reformed Theology. Even for very strict Calvinists, the idea that God predestines some to heaven and others to hell is not mutually exclusive of the idea that people choose to go to heaven or to hell freely. They would hold that somehow, people are choosing exactly what they really want, while at the same time, God has predestined and chosen that fate for them from before the creation of the world.
So also no person who believes in free will
denies the doctrine of predestination.
As you said, many verses talk about this concept, to deny it would seem
obviously heretical. So all Christians
hold two ideas in tension, free will and predestination… and a perennial debate
for centuries has been, how to put them together without violating Scripture,
logic or both.
Some verses (ones I’m guessing you are
referring to) seem to affirm a kind of predestination that violates free will. But do they really? Read in context we begin to understand what
predestination means – specifically what it does NOT mean: predestination in Scripture is not a default affirmation
of DETERMINISM, which DOES undermine freewill. That is, Determinism is essentially the same
as Fate, the idea that all things play out according to a pre-written script and
real freedom is illusory.
Let's deal with 3 of the texts that deal
with predestination and I think you'll see we have reasons to doubt that these passages
really do "indicate there is no free will" as you fear. Let's begin with:
Ephesians 1:4, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”
Here it looks like God chooses everything
ahead of time. But some have read this
verse with deterministic lenses for so long that they miss what exactly it is
that God has chosen ahead of time. Paul doesn’t say, “God chose who will be in
Christ.” Rather he says, “God chose us
in Christ to be holy and blameless in his sight.” The thing God has predetermined from before
all time, is the end state for all the elect who are in Christ. That thing which he has predetermined is that
we be perfect and set apart.
To help understand this, imagine if I give
a sermon and showed a movie clip to illustrate my point. You could say I predestined that people who
came to church that day would see the clip.
Let’s say 4 months ago I planned and chose the clip. But the showing up in the building, was a
matter of someone else’s choice, not mine.
Or maybe it was a joint effort.
Let's say I asked people to come, advertised the event, and influenced
them to be there. But they decided to
agree with that call, or not. But once
here, it is MY choice and unalterable purpose that all who are in the building,
will experience that clip.
Now it should be pointed out that a few
verses later (11) Paul seems to come back to freedom-denying predestination
when he says the elect are chosen by God ahead of time, "We were also
chosen to belong to him. God decided to choose us long ago in keeping with his
plan...". Does he mean some are
chosen and by implication, others are "unchosen"? Well, all over Scripture the
"Elect" refers to God's chosen people. But at some of the places where it sounds
like God chooses these Elect, it also sounds as though the Elect are those who
choose God. (2 Thessalonians 2:13).
And twice when the Bible mentions God's
choosing us, it also mentions his "foreknowing us" - giving us
indication that the choosing is in concert with His omniscience - his seeing us
in advance (1 Peter 1:2; Rom 8:29). This
suggests some kind of concert between our choosing and God's choosing. And again, in Romans 8:29, we see the
foreknowing and the choosing in advance are towards a purpose or end state
(conformity into the image of Christ), not a choosing of some and an
"un-choosing" of others, without regard for their faith.
When talking about what it means to be
chosen, Jesus himself gives a parable to understand how God's choosing works.
In Matt 22 Jesus says the Gospel banquet invitation goes out to
everyone. Not just to the expected or
worthy, but to the outsiders and the unworthy too. Everyone.
And in the parable, it's the response to the invitation that determines
if one becomes one of the chosen or one of those cast out. Jesus’ own conclusion is this:
"many are invited, few are chosen." (Matt 22:14).
This is in keeping with the overwhelming
theme in Scripture that God in some sense "chooses" everyone. That is, He calls and woos all, and His love
is universal, his love is impartial, and his love desires all to be saved (e.g.
I Jn 4:8; Duet 10:17-19; 2 Chron 19:7; Ezek 18:25; Mk 12:14; Jn 3:16; Acts
10:34; Acts 17: 27; Rom. 2:10-11; Eph 6:9; I Tim 2:4; I Pet 1:17; 2 Pet.
3:9). To take Eph 1 texts about God's
choosing us to imply that God predestines some to salvation others for damnation without
regard for their faith forces you to radically bend these other texts or ignore them
Another key text used by Determinists is
John 6:44
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him,"
It is of course, obvious biblically to say
that for a person to choose Christ, God must be involved in their broken will,
to enlighten and to draw. But this
doesn’t violate their free will, nor does it affirm a Fatalistic universe. Nor does it assume that if a person DOESN’T
come to Christ that the Father never loved them or drew them. It simply means that God is among the free
wills operating in the world, and one of the things he freely does is draw
people and gift them with the ability to respond to his offer, and without his
help, none would respond.
But does this verse mean (as Determinists
would argue) that God will never "draw" or woo or call people to
reach out for him, who do not ultimately choose grace? In fact, we're told Jesus has “mercy” on the
rich young ruler and calls him specifically to discipleship and salvation. But that man turned away. Jesus also looks at Jerusalem in a stirring
lament and says,
“how I longed to gather you… but you were not willing.” (Matt 23:37)
In the Determinist world, God never really
drew the rich young ruler nor all the lost in Jerusalem and they were destined
for hell from before all time. Well,
this doesn’t jive with the text. Jesus
is clearly drawing Jerusalem – but they are freely rejecting the gift of God’s
offer. If this rejection was not just
seen, but PLANNED by Jesus from before all time, why is He crying over their
damnation? In the Determinist view, it
is Jesus after all, who MADE them to reject him! This again doesn’t fit the facts of the text.
A final key verse used to under-gird
Determinism is Romans 9:14-15
What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."
The entire chapter of Romans 9 is seen by
many as a blueprint for understanding God’s Sovereignty in salvation. God chooses unilaterally who is saved and who
is not. And if you happen to raise the
issue of logic (“how can God rightly condemn a person whom he predestines from
all eternity past to be hardened?”) then you are simply told God has mercy on
whomever he wants. If you press the
matter further and say, “but that’s not fair”, you are slapped on the hand and
told, “who are you talk back to God?” (vs. 19).
At first this all seems to be persuasive
for a Deterministic view. But then we
step back and see Paul’s overarching argument from Romans 9 thru 11, and that
argument is not about individual salvation, but about God’s faithfulness to the
nation of Israel, and their role in salvation history. The question being answered in Romans is, why
have the Jews by and large rejected their Messiah? This is a disturbing question that caused
many Jewish Christians to wonder if God’s Promises to Israel had failed.
Paul's argument then is to establish that
the Jewish rejection of Messiah, and God's subsequent picking of a covenant
people from among the Gentiles is not unfair or a failure or out of
pattern. Paul is reminding his Jewish
audience in Romans 9 that God has always chosen nations for service based on
his own choice and not on inherent goodness in them or their pedigree.
He proves this by reminding them that God
did not choose ALL Abraham's descendants as his covenant people, but only those
of "the promise"; sons of Isaac.
And then afterwards, God chooses Jacob and not Esau. But this is not referring to individuals for
salvation, but nations for service. The
quote from Malachi "Jacob I love and Esau I hated" is specifically
about the nation of Edom, not one man, Esau.
So Paul is arguing that God has a right to pick any people he wants for
such service. In both Isaac and Jacob,
God picks them unexpectedly, out of birth order, and both are rascals, which
shows God's mercy and lack of concern for human works or family background.
What he's saying is simply that the Jews
should not be shocked that God is now including Gentiles into his covenant
people. Why not? He delights in showing mercy to whomever he
wants, and this is his established pattern of upside-down grace. But this is about broad people groups, not
individuals. If it were about individuals,
we have to imagine that God is saying here that every Edomite and every Moabite
and Ishmaelite was eternally condemned because God didn't choose them when he
chose Isaac and Jacob. No, it simply
means that they were not chosen or preferred for service as Israel was.
The strong reprimand then, "who are
you talk back to God..." is reserved for those who question God's right to
pick Gentiles based on their faith (he makes that clear in a second), and who
are upset that God is not (as he never was) impressed with Israel's works or
her genetics.
What should cement this case is simply that
Paul concludes his own complex reasoning with a simple thought. So we should let him speak for himself and
not impose Determinism on his thinking, when he is very clear that that's not
what's driving this argument. He wraps
by saying,
"What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal..."
This is incredibly important. If the Deterministic view was right, here we
should expect Paul to summarize by saying, "so then we see that God
sovereignly chooses who is saved and who is damned randomly and mysteriously
and don't question him." Instead,
Paul says God's picking and granting righteousness is not arbitrary or
condition-less at all. It is based on
the condition of faith which God has always been looking for, and not on a
genetic pedigree from Abraham, or even meticulous law observance. In other words, in the end, Paul appeals to
free will, not Determinism.
The charge of God being arbitrary or unfair
is in fact the root of Romans 9-11 - but not unfair because he picks who is
saved and no one can talk back to him. Ironically, the Jews would probably like that line of thinking, assuming God has
always picked them and anyone who questions that favoritism should be
However, Paul clearly doesn't want to
play into that hand. Rather the charge he's
dealing with from a Jewish faction is that God is unfair because he allows the Gentiles into the
Kingdom and he at the same time has hardened (some of) the Jews. See, the Jews would see God's hardening of
them, the law keepers, and the granting of mercy to the Gentiles, the sinners,
as very arbitrary. Paul is
arguing the point in Romans 9 that this is perfectly consistent with what God has always done. This is why Pharaoh is brought into the
argument. Now, you Jews, Paul is saying,
have taken Pharaoh's role. God hardened
He hardens those who harden themselves.
So just as Paul concludes that the picking
of the Gentiles was NOT arbitrary, so the hardening of the Jews was also not
arbitrary. They pursued righteous by
works instead of by faith (9:32). So
this hardening was perfectly consistent with the criteria of faith which God has
always worked with. He gives mercy in response to faith and he hardens in
response to unbelief. It’s not the other way around. People don’t have
faith as a result of God having mercy on them, and people don’t have
unbelief as a result of God hardening them.
We we doubt this is Paul's point, we just have to note his Isaiah quote,
"see, I have placed in Zion ... a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him [not the one whom I predetermine prior to their belief] will never be put to shame."
And later we’ll find out that even God’s
hardening in response to unbelief is not determinative because all they have to
do is stop their unbelief, and God will change his plans for them (11:32).
So predestination is agreed to by all Christians,
but what does that idea mean? We’ve seen
that it doesn’t have to mean that God has fatalistically planned all things out
and removed free will in the process.
It’s more likely that it means God sees us in advance, and sees those
who would believe in him, and since God calls all to reach out for him (Acts
17:27), and desires all to be saved (2 Peter 3:9), we can say that those who
respond in faith, complete his salvation offer and BECOME the chosen.
God has predestined, and planned for this
Chosen People to be holy and like
Christ, and nothing will stop that plan from being executed.
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