First, let me review the setting.
Zechariah is a priest, and he’s fulfilling his Temple duty, as
chosen by lot. Basically, they would
draw straws, and each eligible priest would get to serve one of many duties in the Temple on a rotation (there being more priests than duties).
This was held to be a great honor.
The Bible says he was serving during the “hour
of incense” which refers to the time of the lighting of the incense in the holy
place. If you look at a diagram of the

that was just outside the “MOST” holy place, which no one ever went into
except the high priest (only one of those) and that once a year. So he’s in that outer room, and with the
larger crowd being gathered outside when the incense is lit, it means likely a
Sabbath day, and they’re all there for service.
The priest goes in to light the incense on the Altar of Incense as a symbol of the prayers of God’s
So that's the physical setting.
Zechariah's in there and no one can see him because he’s in the Temple alone
in front of the altar. The bread table
is on the right of the altar, and the menorah (the seven branched lamp stand) is on the
Luke then says, Gabriel is revealed, between the
altar and the bread table. Why
there, on the right side of the Altar? Well, the text doesn’t say, but
in Jewish thought the right side is always the side of favor; of blessing.
Consider Matthew 25:33, when Jesus separates the human race on Judgment
day. The blessed go on “his right”, the
cursed, to the left.
This is just a carryover
from the symbolism of the Psalms that talk about God’s mighty “right hand” (Ps 20:6; 89:13). In a world where most people are right
handed, the right hand came to symbolize power. As most people favor their right hand, so the right became naturally associated
with favor. (They were not politically correct enough to consider how this might offend "other handed" people!) Gabriel's message is clearly one of blessing and favor not only for Zechariah but for all of Israel, so this fits.
Now, since the text doesn’t actually say why Gabriel showed up there,
this is one of those little details in Scripture that gives it the ring of an
eye witness account. I mean, truly, why exactly IS Gabriel mentioned as appearing on the right of the Altar?
Luke doesn’t answer the question.
Well, it’s likely that this is simply how Zechariah remembers it
happening; a little firsthand nugget of detail
that Luke found as he researched the story carefully (Luke 1:1-4). It’s the same way with other weird details that are
unexplained, like John 21:11 that mentions the exact number and size of fish caught (153/large) with
no explanation why! The point of such
detail may have some symbolic significance, but where one is not explicitly
given, the most obvious impact of such details is to tell us: this really happened because real eye witness memories
often contain seemingly minor details of things that hit us.
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