This book was recommended to me by two
people from church in the last few years, so I did finally pick it up. I admit I was skeptical, since the title page
tells me upfront this will be: “the
ancient mystery that will hold the secret to America’s future.” I get very twitchy about Christians nailing
down a message for one specific country (in this case America) from Scriptural
Look, when people give warnings about
America from biblical prophecy I think that’s fine as a generic application of God’s
dealings with Israel for ANY culture/nation.
The Bible shows God’s good nature, his concern for law and justice and the
prophetic parts show that he’s bringing world history to an epic
conclusion. Also, biblical prophecy overall shows how God uses all the
nations to advance his will and that he cares about all the nations, even the ones
that are not named Israel – yes even the ones that are in rebellion against
So, if Cahn would take these principles and apply them to America, to show how God judged and treated Nations that were like this or that nation in Scripture, in terms of their values and overall attitudes etc – then that’s a valid application, in my mind. In that sense it might also be appropriate to say that as America carries on in the spirit of Ancient Israel (or Babylon, or Nineveh), not getting the gracious warning shots across our bow, we will suffer for our defiance and blindness in similar ways as they.
In Harbinger, Cahn has done some of this. However, I think he takes it too far and misapplies Isaiah’s prophesy by making it far too specifically about this one country at this particular time. Let me explain:
Cahn’s entire premise actually is borrowed (I’m not sure if he ever gives credit for this). His book is essentially an expansion of a sermon I have in my files by David Wilkerson entitled “Towers Down, Message Missed.” He preached this right after 911, and in his talk, Wilkerson gave a blistering critique of the American response to 911. The whole message was build on Isaiah 9:10 which says:
He felt that that great tragedy was God’s stirring call for America to repent. And in the aftermath, he noted that there was no real repentance from America’s increasing hostility to the Christian faith, to Christian values and to the gospel overall. In fact, he said (accurately I believe) that the response was the opposite of such repentance (the temporary spike in church attendance not withstanding). It was rather to retrench ourselves in our current path of excess and immorality, and to pridefully defy any rebuke that God might have intended with that terrible slaughter, and instead commit ourselves to rebuild, recover, and be even greater than we were before. Wilkerson cited this same passage as his text.
So, if Cahn would take these principles and apply them to America, to show how God judged and treated Nations that were like this or that nation in Scripture, in terms of their values and overall attitudes etc – then that’s a valid application, in my mind. In that sense it might also be appropriate to say that as America carries on in the spirit of Ancient Israel (or Babylon, or Nineveh), not getting the gracious warning shots across our bow, we will suffer for our defiance and blindness in similar ways as they.
In Harbinger, Cahn has done some of this. However, I think he takes it too far and misapplies Isaiah’s prophesy by making it far too specifically about this one country at this particular time. Let me explain:
Cahn’s entire premise actually is borrowed (I’m not sure if he ever gives credit for this). His book is essentially an expansion of a sermon I have in my files by David Wilkerson entitled “Towers Down, Message Missed.” He preached this right after 911, and in his talk, Wilkerson gave a blistering critique of the American response to 911. The whole message was build on Isaiah 9:10 which says:
Isa 9:9-10 All the people will know it — Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria — who say with pride and arrogance of heart, 10 "The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars."
He felt that that great tragedy was God’s stirring call for America to repent. And in the aftermath, he noted that there was no real repentance from America’s increasing hostility to the Christian faith, to Christian values and to the gospel overall. In fact, he said (accurately I believe) that the response was the opposite of such repentance (the temporary spike in church attendance not withstanding). It was rather to retrench ourselves in our current path of excess and immorality, and to pridefully defy any rebuke that God might have intended with that terrible slaughter, and instead commit ourselves to rebuild, recover, and be even greater than we were before. Wilkerson cited this same passage as his text.
To give context, Isaiah is speaking to nations who are facing the onslaught of the expanding Assyrian empire around 750 BC. The northern kingdom was always more cosmopolitan and urbane and wealthy than their hill dwelling brothers in Judah, but their connections to surrounding culture brought the corruption of excess and immorality. One prophet calls Israel’s upper crust the “fat cows of Bashan”.
When Assyria made incursions into the northern kingdom of Israel, they did not at first obliterate the country. They took the northern regions but left Samaria (the capital) alone (2 Kings 15:29). It is likely these events that prompted the response Isaiah notes in 9:10. “The bricks have fallen” – meaning, many of our towns may have been decimated by Tiglath-Pileser, but no matter, we’ll come back from all this – and better than ever. That’s the meaning of “dressed stone” and “cedars”… the replacement items are of much better quality than the original. Isaiah is saying their refusal to see God’s hand of discipline in the invasion constitutes unbelievable arrogance. And he specifically criticizes their unbounded, blind optimism to be undeterred in the face of their immanent doom.
Well, it’s not hard to see how well the
American experience after 911 fits with Isaiah 9:10.
We too we hit hard by an invading army.
And we too responded with an upbeat message of rebuilding. We too mostly ignored the setback as any kind
of Divine discipline or warning. And of
course now the Twin Towers have been replaced by the even taller, 1776 foot Freedom

Of course
Christians did mostly adopt a simple view that there is evil in the world that
resists good, and this resistance doesn’t always indicate divine discipline or God’s
displeasure. True. Without a known prophet like Isaiah around to interpret such events,
it’s hard to connect with any authority the evil actions of evil people with a
good God. But let us not forget that the
prophets did in fact do this often. God called
the pagan and wicked king Nebuchadnezzar, “my servant” (Jeremiah 25:9). Not because God wills evil, but because he
allows it and USES it for good purposes.
So I have no problem in principle with associating the Isaiah passage
with American responses to 911. It could
be just as applicable to Germany after WWII.
However, if the author treats America as a
sort of “second Israel” and sees that we have a special tie to these prophecies
because somehow America is uniquely “God’s country” as Israel was, then I think
it’s off the tracks. America is not God’s means of redemption, or his sole
plan for getting the message of Christ out to the world, and America is not the
special object of God’s affection. The Church however, does fill all
those roles – the Church stewards the hope of Christ, the hope of the
world. If America blows its moment on the world stage, that’s bad for
America, people will suffer, but the Church lives on, and the gates of hell will not prevail
against her.
Now, I would agree that America has its place in
the history of nations, some more or less righteous than others, and like them, will receive from God her just desserts. therefore, it’s good for
America to broadly be friendly to godly values, and to have godly leaders
etc. But if she does not, this doesn’t defeat the Church or God’s End Times purposes. No post-Christ nation has anywhere the role in God’s plan
that pre-Christ Israel did. That nation’s role was to show God to the
nations and bring in the Christ. Other nations sometimes helped God’s
people (eg. the Persians under Cyrus), and sometimes persecuted them (eg. the
Greeks under Antiochus Epiphanes). Likewise America might be like Cyrus
and that’s good for the Church. But America itself is not the Church –
like Persia it CONTAINS God’s people who live in her, in exile.
America will come and (if today’s events
are an accurate harbinger) it will also someday, go. If it repents,
like Nineveh did, it might go a little longer. If that’s the author’s
point, I think it’s a good one. If he’s suggesting America is the modern
day Israel, I think he’s gone too far.
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