QUESTION: Hey Rick! Picked up the book by Francis Chan, Multiply.
He mentioned a verse that has always been a hard one and I was hoping you might
help! Luke 14:25-33. It just seems to
really contradict a lot of scripture and even commandments (honor your
parents). It just seems so OFF so maybe there is something I'm not getting.

RESPONSE: While it maybe seems “off”, this passage is certainly not abnormal in the N.T. or the teachings of Jesus… but it feels somehow different from “salvation by grace” right? Let me quote it here for those unfamiliar with it:
Luke 14:26-33 "If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. 27 And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.
28 "But don't begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? 29 Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. 30 They would say, 'There's the person who started that building and couldn't afford to finish it!'
31 "Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss whether his army of 10,000 could defeat the 20,000 soldiers marching against him? 32 And if he can't, he will send a delegation to discuss terms of peace while the enemy is still far away. 33 So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own." NLT
While a little strange sounding to our grace-trained ears, this teaching fits
perfectly with Pauline doctrine. It shows that while the Bible is completely
unanimous that salvation cannot be earned, it is also completely unanimous that
salvation is CONNECTED to obedience in important ways.
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, if you look at the beatitudes,
you can see this clearly. It begins with
the blessing on the poor in heart, and the blessing on the mournful. These are people who come to God with NOTHING
but their shame and sin, and they mourn over it. This means Jesus is clearly teaching that one
does not come to the Kingdom unless they first confess, and repent and have
faith in God’s mercy and goodness – only these are promised heaven and earth. (This agrees with Paul who teaches, Romans 3:28-29,
“For we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from works of law.” HBV. So we don’t earn it.)
However, if we come to Jesus with this kind of brokenhearted
humility, we will also HUNGER for righteousness. Therefore, the grace that calls us
in, also calls us to a passion for more of the God who saved us and gives us
That is why Jesus says in Luke 14, that when you come to
him, you A) revoke all other primary loves and consider them as hatred compared
to your love for Christ, and B) you count the cost of followership, BEFORE you
enter the kingdom, and everything is submitted to his leadership, all relationships and money etc.
Jesus never divorced salvation and discipleship. Unfortunately, we have in the church too often. If we
understand both Jesus and Paul correctly, we will refuse to do this. Those who come to Jesus humble, confessing
AND repentant do not carry on in an ongoing pattern of sin. They cannot, for God’s seed is now in them (1
John 3:10). Do Christians still
sin? Sure. Do they only slowly change over time? Yes.
Do they sometimes go backward in devotion? Yes.
But while we are saved by grace and not works, God’s grace …works! That is, it works to effect the changes in us
that the LAW never could. It makes us
new kinds of people, IF we come repentant, and let the gospel do its work.
So much of the problem of "backsliding believers" and "carnal Christians" and "nominal Christians" would be solved if we taught the
invitation to the kingdom exactly the way Jesus did. Like this:
come one and all and take your place with the prostitutes and tax
collectors who are poor in spirit, they have nothing to bring God, no pretense that they could earn anything from him. (This
matches the Pauline message, you are saved by Grace not works, Eph 2:8,9).
But, come like they came: so desperate that they are willing
to lay down ALL for the treasure of God’s forgiving love. (Recall the treasure-hidden-in-the field
parable?) They don’t come proud,
demanding forgiveness, yet wanting to keep walking in the way that first made
them bankrupt before God! That makes no
sense (again, Paul in Romans 6:1,2). No, they come
counting the cost, gladly making all their affections take a back seat to the
Jesus who saves them from sin. ALL my other relationships are second place. ALL my priorities are rearranged by my love
for him who had mercy on me.
So that explains that tricky part about “hating your parents”. That is not contradicting the 5th
commandment… remember Jesus used hyperbole a lot. (Example: the “cut off your hand” thing!) So “hate” is not saying you
dishonor your parents, it’s saying “you must be willing to put your devotion to
them below devotion to Me.” Compared to that, love for them will look like hate.
Remember too, in the Ancient Near East, it would be unheard
of if a man belonged to a religion let’s say, and his whole family didn’t also. So strong were the ties of family in their
honor bound culture, that you followed the patriarch no matter what; blood ties
ruled everything, family first uber alles.
So speaking into that cultural expectation, Jesus is introducing a
different sort sequence.
Of course, in our day this is commonly understood. A teen let’s say, will have some epiphany
where they leave their mom’s “ways” and strike out on their own, at the risk of
offending them. This is almost expected in our context, Hollywood has kicked out
a gaggle of movies with this premise!
But that very idea, so noble in our day, would have been considered the
height of insubordination and offensiveness in Jesus’ culture. So it was JESUS who first gave us this idea
that there’s a higher loyalty than mom or dad… of course for him it wasn’t a
permission to be rebellious and go smoke pot, it was his permission to be
rebellious and go follow Messiah – himself!
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